Jefferson Seed Library


Commonly known as mullein, verbascum is a hardy perennial with tall flower spikes. Loved by bees, this cottage garden flower is a lovely addition to any garden!

  • Variety

Snowy Spires

  • Scientific Name
Verbascum chaixi
  • Growing Level
Intermediate to Easy
  • Seed Saving Level
  • Seed Storage
2 years if properly stored
  • Life Cycle
  • Germination Time
14-28 days
  • Germination Temperature
70 F
  • Cold Stratification?
  • Height
  • Light Requirements
Full sun
  • Blooms in
Second year
  • “Check Out” Month See Upcoming Events for specific “check out” dates. 

January (Special Seed Library Event)


November (Special Seed Library Event)

  • In Stock?


Table of Contents


Growing Tips

When to Start

Winter: Start cold stratification 10-12 weeks before the last frost. Cold stratify for 6 weeks, then place them under grow lights. (January – February for Jefferson, GA)

Transplant: After hardening off, all danger of frost has passed. (May 1 for Jefferson, GA)

Fall: Direct sow in late fall or early winter for natural cold stratification. (My best guess is November for Jefferson, GA)

How to Grow


To start indoors, start 10-12 weeks before the last frost. (Late January/Early February for GA.) The seeds need light for germination. Gently press the seeds into the seed-starting mix. Place the cells inside a plastic bag. Some support such as a piece of cardboard or a seed tray might be needed to keep the cells from tipping over. Place the bag in the refrigerator for 6 weeks. After the 6 weeks of cold stratification move the cells under the grow lights. Transplant after hardening off, and all danger of frost has passed.

To direct sow, gently press the seeds into the soil in late fall or early winter. Nature will take care of the cold stratification and seedlings should emerge in the spring.

The whole process from cold stratification to transplantable seedlings should take 10-12 weeks.




Verbascum prefers full sun beds. However, in areas where summers are hot Verbascum would benefit from shade during the hot afternoon. Space or thin plants to 15-24 inches. It is tolerant of many soil types but prefers well-draining and drier soil. Let the soil dry out a bit between watering. It is drought-tolerant and self-sowing. To control the spread of Verbascum into undesired areas, remove spent blooms. However, being a short-lived perennial, letting it go to seed will keep Verbascum growing year after year.

Seed Saving

Isolation Distance


Insect dependent for pollination. Isolation 1/2 mile or cage or bag blooms to prevent cross-pollination.




Verbascum typically blooms in the second year. Select healthy, robust plants free of any signs of disease or insect infestation for seeds. Seeds carry the traits of the parent plant. Choose plants that exhibit the traits you wish to preserve. Consider bloom size, color, and shape, as well as blooming time.


Allow the biggest and healthiest blooms to mature on the plant. Cover the seed head with a fine-mesh bag as soon as the flowers start to wilt. Use an elastic band to hold the bag in place. This prevents seeds from spilling onto the soil before harvest.


When the flowers are brown and dry, separate plant debris from the seeds by removing the mesh bag and place the flower head in a paper bag. Then shake the bag to loosen the seeds. The seeds should settle to the bottom of the bag. Remove plant debris by hand.


  • Drought tolerant
  • Not to picky about soil
  • Attracts pollinators
  • Snowy Spires: Flowers are white florets. Excellent for beds and stunning in mass plantings or accent plants!
