Nicotiana is a member of the tobacco family. All tobacco is considered toxic. It is legal to grow in GA and legal to give away. However, to sell tobacco a permit is needed in the state of GA.
Scentsation Mixed |
Nicotiana alata |
Easy |
Easy |
3-5 years if stored properly |
Yes |
Annual |
7-21 days |
70-75 F |
No |
up to 30” |
Seeds require light for germination Full sun will tolerate part shade |
Summer through fall |
March, April, and May |
Yes |

Growing Tips

When to Start
Spring: Start indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost. (March for GA.)
Transplant: 2 weeks after the last frost. (Mid-May for GA).
Direct sow: 2 weeks after the danger of frost has passed. (Mid-May for GA).
How to Grow
DO NOT plant nicotiana in or near a vegetable garden due to susceptibility to common viruses.1 Another reason to keep it separate from any edible plant, is due to its toxic nature.
Start seeds 6-8 weeks before the last frost. Nicotiana needs light for germination. Gently press the seeds into the top of the seed starting mix or flower bed. Bottom heat may be needed as nicotiana likes soil temperatures to be between 70-75 F for best germination. Transplant, after hardening off, 2 weeks after the last frost to allow soil temperatures to warm up. Direct sow 2 weeks after the last frost.
Plant into full sun and rich, fertile soil. In areas where summers are hot, nicotiana will benefit from afternoon shade. Space plants 12” apart. Keep the beds moist but not soggy. For continuous flowers, dead-head any spent blooms.
Seed Saving
Isolation Distance
Insect dependent for pollination. Isolate 1/4 mile to prevent cross-pollination.
Select healthy, robust plants free of any signs of disease or insect infestation for seeds. Seeds carry the traits of the parent plant. Choose plants that exhibit the traits you wish to preserve. Consider bloom size, color, and shape, as well as blooming time.
Allow the biggest and healthiest blooms to mature on the plant. Cover the seed head with a fine-mesh bag as soon as the plant has dropped its leaves and petals have begun to turn yellow. Use an elastic band to hold the bag in place. This prevents seeds from spilling onto the soil before harvest.
The seeds will typically explode when they are ready, separate plant debris from the seeds by removing the mesh bag and placing the flower head in a paper bag, and shake to loosen the seeds. Seeds settle to the bottom of the bag. Remove plant debris by hand.
- Ornamental
- Attracts butterflies
- Attracts pollinators
- Attracts hummingbirds
- Good for borders
- Container friendly
- Drought tolerant
- Heat tolerant