Like growing your own food and flowers?
Want FREE seeds and EXPERT advice?
Want to Excel At Gardening?
Join the Seed Library Today!
What Members Get!
- Exclusive access to a wide variety of vegetables, herbs, and flowers. See the catalog for more details.
- Learn practical tips and tricks for how to excel at gardening!
- Check out up to 6 seed packets per Seed Library week. Seed library weeks take place during most of the year! (February-September)
- Participate in the Grow Challenge and get a BONUS 7th seed packet.
- No need to return seeds. But, we do have a Rewards Program. Donations of seeds turn into more checkouts and raffle tickets for prizes!
- Talk with garden experts and master gardeners at our Meet-Ups!
- Monthly newsletter, so you never miss a beet!
- Have Garden Questions? email ejones@prilb.org
What is a Seed Library?
The Seed Library is a collection of open-pollinated and heirloom seeds that you can borrow to plant and grow at home. By saving seeds as a community we help create a local seed stock that are better acclimated to our unique climate and which will support an abundant and genetically diverse landscape. We support gardeners from beginner to expert, and help you learn how to grow, harvest, and save seeds.
How do I Participate in the Seed Library?
- Meet-Up topics are designed to help you gain insightful tips and know-how to help you have the best garden you can. Topics will include but are not limited to: how to grow, save, and clean seeds, composting, creating good soil, insects: the good, the bad, and nasty and so much more!
- You “check out” seeds ONLY during the Seed Library Weeks. While donating and saving seeds are not required, we encourage you to donate seeds you have saved or purchased so that our seed stock remains full for “checking out”. See upcoming events for dates and times of Seed Library Week.
- You must have a library card to “check out” seeds. Signing up for a Library card is Free.
- New and Renewing Members must watch a short 20-minute video, at the Jefferson Public Library, on how to save seeds and get signed up to become a member.
- The Jefferson Public Library is located at 1000 Washington Street, Jefferson, GA.
Will my membership expire?
- Yes.
- Seed Library membership will expire after 2 consecutive years of not “checking out”.
- To keep your membership current, “check out” seeds at least once a year and keep your library card in good standing.
- If your membership does expire, it’s easy to re-sign up! Just watch a short 20-minute video at the Jefferson Public Library and fill out the Seed Library Membership Form.
How do we Get the Seeds you "Check Out"?
Not every seed which is donated makes it into the catalog. Find out how seeds are chosen.
Rewards Program
As members are limited to “checking out” only 6 seed packets each month, what do you do if you want more?
- You may check out 1 additional seed packet for every 1 donated seed packet.
- Donations can be purchased seed, leftover seed, seeds you saved or even cash.
- Just fill out the Donations Form, to the best of your ability, and bring it to the front desk at the Jefferson Public Library.
- Donations don’t have to be limited to seeds. We accept many garden-related items and even cash. (Cash is used to purchase popular seeds, seeds members request, and prizes for raffles. Every $3 equals 1 raffle ticket.) Garden items will also equal raffle tickets.
At the end of the year celebration, Garden, Grub, and Gab, for each 1 donated packet or $3, you will be entered into drawings for various prizes. For every 5 donated seed packets or $15, you will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win the Grand Prize! Find out more about Garden, Grub, and Gab.
Grow Challenge
TRY to grow at least one variety of herb or vegetable that you can’t find in a regular grocery store! (Walmart, Publix, Kroger, etc) Or TRY to grow a flower that you can’t find at Homedepot, Lowes, etc. This will not count against your 6 seed packet limit, but instead will be a 6th BONUS seed packet. Also, you will be entered into a raffle for the GRAND PRIZE at Garden, Grub, and Gab.
While you can check out multiple qualifying seed packets, only one will count towards the Grow Challenge per Seed Library Week.
See Grow Challenge for what seeds qualify.