Pest Management
- Netting Blackberries
- Tomato Hornworms
- Basic Pest Management
- Companion Planting
- Trap Cropping
- Slug Traps
- Squash Pest Prevention
Absolute Beginner Garden
- Getting started
- When to plant
- Starting from seed
- How to transplant
Preserving the Harvest
- How to safely preserve food through canning
- Freezing
- Drying
- Making Blackberry Jelly
- Canning tomatoes
- Recipes
Plant Care
- Pruning
- Bed prep and crop rotation
- Plant nutrition and soils
Starting Seedlings Indoors
- Everything you need to know to get started
- DIY biodegradable pots
- Demo for starting indoors
- How to pot up
How to Have a Garden while Working Fulltime
- How to harden off
- Make watering easy
Garden Helps
- Seed Saving helps
- Seed Viability Charts
- Cross-pollination
- Frost and Freeze dates
- Planting Charts
- 4 Great Summer Recipes
- 12 Fast Food Veggies
- Cross-Pollination Prevention
- DIY Compost
- Easy Zucchini Seed Saving
- Garden Experiments 2020 & 2021
- How do we get the seeds you check out?
- How long do seeds last?
- How to Build a Trellis
- How I Save Money Gardening
- How to Shell Okra and Beans
- Planning a Garden
- Plant Reproduction and Seed Saving
- Planting a Fall Garden
- Understanding Planting Charts
New & Featured
Plant Nutrition and Soils
Healthy plants need the right nutrition. Learn what you need to do to the soil so your plants will have what they need to be healthy and have bountiful harvests!
Garden Helps
Frost and Freeze dates, planting charts, printable guides and so much more!
Seed Saving 101
The seed saving basics: what you need to know to save good, healthy, viable seeds!
Invasive Plants
What are some invasive plants, why you should care about invasive plants, and some GA native alternatives to plant?
How Seeds Get Cataloged
Not every seed which is donated meets our standards for the Seed Library. Find out how seeds are chosen!
4 Great Summer Recipes
Try these fresh summer recipes!
Cross-Pollination Prevention
What you need to know to get true-to-type seeds! NO Frankin’ squash please!!
DIY Compost
Composting doesn’t have to be complicated. Learn how to turn your yard waste and kitchen scraps into soil your garden will love!
Easy Zucchini Seed Saving!
All you need is a little time and knowledge and you can easily save squash seeds!
Patience is a zucchini seed saved!
How to Build a Trellis
Can’t find a trellis to meet your needs? Follow these steps to build one that should last many years!
Planning a Garden
A garden can be a lot to keep up with. A little planning will make it easier, as well as, more cost effective! Explore how I plan my garden each year.
Planting a Fall Garden
Can’t get enough growing things? Check out how I get a Fall garden in!
How I save Money Gardening
8 Ways I Save MONEY Gardening
12 Veggies you can grow and eat in 4-8 weeks!
Hankering for some “fast food?” Check out these 12 fast growing veggies!
4 Must Have Flowers
Learn why you should plant these flowers in your vegetable garden!