Beloved by bees and hummingbirds, salvia is a pollinator-friendly flower. It is an ornamental sage in the mint family. The plants are quite spectacular when planted together in groups and is great for both beds and borders.
Flare; Swan Lake |
Salvia splendens: Flare Salvia pratensis: Swan Lake |
Easy |
Intermediate |
1 year if properly stored |
Amore Purple: Perennial (in zones 8-10) Scarlet Sage: Perennial (in zones 9-10) |
7-14 days |
Amore Purple: 12-14” Scarlet Sage: 2-4′ |
Seeds need light to germinate Full sun |
Swan Lake: Yes Flare: No |
70-80 days |
March |
Out of Stock: Swan Lake Yes, for the rest |