Trap Cropping

Trap Cropping What is is and how to do it! Using trap crops works! This technique is one part of pest management. When using the methods and strategies detailed below, you will find that you will (1) reduce the damage in the plant you want to protect and (2) either...

List of Trap Crops

Tip: The trap crop is the most attractive to pests when it is flowering and producing fruit or seeds. Plant your trap crop at least 2-3 weeks before the crop you are protecting. For more about how to get the most out of your trap crop, see how to trap crop.  Trap...

List of Companion Plants

Companion plants do work to help control pests! They will help you reduce or even eliminate the use of pesticides in the garden! When combined with other pest management techniques like trap cropping, this will even further help reduce the need for pesticides. Tips:...

Drying Herbs

Drying Herbs by Elizabeth July 8, 2020 Buying herbs from the store can be pricey. If you don’t believe me see how much money I save by growing my own. All during the growing season I have herbs hanging up or laying out to dry. It’s so easy to dry herbs and...